I wonder if I could just give them my Flickr password?

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This is downright cool. There's a service called iPod my Photo, whereby you can send them a picture and $20, and they'll remake it in the style of the iPod commercials, like so:

This link comes courtesy, by the way, of Josh Rubin's Cool Hunting, which is easily one of my favorite mind candy sites. I highly recommend it. And for all of you wondering what my logo would like iPodified--okay, I'm the only one wondering--I present to you the results of a quick sidetrip to Photoshop:

iPod my logo


Why must I suck so badly at Photoshop? I want to do stuff like this, but then it just looks like crapola.

I think I'll be seeing that on the side of a East Village Building this holiday season.

I read about this the other day, in the context that this company is getting sued by Apple. I'll try to find the link.


I love their little iPods.

OOps, I hit "enter" on accident and I was not finished, no, not even close to being finished with that comment....

....I love their little iPods. They seem to say "make peace, not war. See, no longer are we robots teetering on the precipice of knocking each other's blocks off. No! We are grooving to some tunes on the iPod."

What a heartwarming message.

THAT is all.

I used to work with Josh at Razorfish back in the days of "if I can find the right Company to pay me, I'll just invent a job." Kudos to him for making it work, and he gets a helluva lot more blog traffic than I ever will.

Seems worth $20. Do you have an iPod, C?

Yeah, Douglas, I'm on my second one. I picked up a 4G iPod, along with a charger and an iTrip, for my travels this fall.

Dylan, I'm more disappointed than surprised that Apple would do that--it's not as though services like this don't end up being free advertising for them...


I think the quote was from engadget making a joke about how ipodmyphoto was going to be shut down immediately by Apple. "They should be getting a cease & desist right…about…now."


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