chuckles: June 2005 Archives

I just liked the phrase, although TMW is always worth a read.

A Case of Spuriosities

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I told Jenny that she had to repost this, but after that, I went looking to see if I still had it on my machine. A little more than a year ago, she sent me a link to a site called "A Case of Curiosities," which offers such "fine art taxidermy" services as you'll find on the "Grotesque Beauties" page. I still can't really type this without cringing.

Anyhow, if I remember correctly, Jenny was krushing on Manu Ginobli, whose Spurs face off tonight against the Pistons for the NBA Championship, and so, entirely unsolicited, I made Jenny this little picture combining her interests in Manu and Grotesque Beauties. It still makes me laugh, this:

grotesque manu-ty

And yes, this may very well be the single creepiest thing I've ever done with Photoshop. (Here's the original.)



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