administratosphere: March 2005 Archives


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Courtesy of the Rasterbator, the internal windows in the graduate office are now a little less drab.

8 points

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8 points

Amy would kick my ass if I didn't include a shot of the scrabble tiles she gave me at her defense last August. Thanks to some sticky mounting squares, they now rest securely above my secret Bat-exit...

Collin's big wall of books

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Collin's big wall of books

I've been threatening for days to snap a picture of my shelves and blog it, but yesterday, I finally cleared out enough of the crap in my office to feel comfortable doing it. And the best thing? The shelves are thick, have rounded edges (no open head wounds!), and fresh cut, which means that my office smells like pine.

Very nice.



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This page is a archive of entries in the administratosphere category from March 2005.

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