Safari, Sagoodie

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I've seen this announcement in a couple of different places (and confirmed it): it seems that the next iteration of Safari will come with an RSS aggregator. This is both welcome and important. Why? Here's Doc Searls (whose feed was I think the first place I heard it):

It isn't just RSS that's getting huge. It's that more people are getting their Web services without the complicating container we call a browser. What we're stating to see is another Web, alongside the static one we browse like the aisles in a store, or the stacks in a library, looking for finished goods to read or buy. This other Web isn't served up the same way as the one we've been browsing for the last eight years. We see it in a news aggregator, or a blog, or a message on a phone, or a search through an engine that only looks for fresh goods. Yes, you can see it in a browser too, but it's different in kind from the static stuff. Most importantly, it's live.

As someone whose reading habits have shifted quite a bit from browser to aggregator, I'll testify to this. There are a lot of people for whom the question isn't only "what's out there?" but also "what's new out there?" And this means that all sorts of definitions will have to change in response (like interactivity, as I mentioned a few days back, but also hits, blogrolls, etc.). It's already added a whole new dimension to my own interaction with the web.

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Around Bloomsday, I picked up on a couple of interesting James Joyce projects: Finnegans Wake and Ulysses.  Okay, so it's nothing revolutionary.  Wait a second...maybe it is.  See, both projects are making use of blogs to cycle the pagin... Read More


Yeah, I was just thinking today that I wish there were a Technorati for RSS. I have no idea how many (how few, rather) people subscribe to me on RSS, and I'd like to find out.

Clancy, here's what I do. I subscribe to my own feed through Bloglines, and when I bring it up, it gives me the option of seeing other subscribers, at least those BL users whose lists are public. it wouldn't surprise me, either, to hear soon that BL and/or others will start offering that information more widely...

I think that's going to be an issue over the next year or so, as more people switch to non-browser traffic--how can that traffic be tracked better, made visible...?


Thanks for the tip! Another issue might be ads in newsreaders, or how newsreaders will affect online advertising in general.

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