The most beautiful car in the world!!

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Is a 2000 Toyota Camry, sage in color, and it is parked, for the first time in just about a month, on the street outside my apartment building.

Yes, it's true. My accident is finally over. After weeks of bumming 8 am rides to school and being unable to go see a movie, pick up one thing at the grocery store, run my shirts to the dry cleaners, visit a local bookstore, or exert any sort of control over my schedule, my car and I have finally been reunited.

And yes, I have developed an elaborate new-found sense of gratitude for the fact that I have a car. Believe me. And despite the labyrinthine requirements and forms, I am equally grateful to Toyota (from whom I lease it), Geico (who insures it for me), and Rendino's (the shop that repaired it). I've got gratitude to spare.

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