home field advantage

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I'm afraid that my weblog is going to become somewhat single-minded for a while. I spent three and a half hours tonight watching the Cubs win their first road playoff game since 1945. If Kerry Wood's performance was any indication, it looks as though there may be more firsts on the way.

I know that for most people, baseball is a dreadfully boring sport to watch, but I was living and dying with every pitch tonight. The difference between baseball and more motion-oriented sports is the proliferation of moments--in the playoffs, every pitch is a decision, every play is a moment that can win or lose a game. There's a lot of tension in baseball, especially if you're rooting for a particular team. And for the first time in a long time, I've got a team to root for.

So yeah, that'll be my ass planted squarely in front of the television tomorrow night hoping the Cubs can take another from Atlanta in their park.

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